Our Green Mission - Going Green(er)
In an effort to lesson our company's carbon foot print, we are on a mission!
A mission to reduce single-use plastic in our product packaging. Over the next few months, you may notice a change in appearance to your favorite products. We can assure you the same care as always has been taken, not only with ingredients, but with our impact on the environment as well.
Moving forward we will attempt to reduce waste as much as possible. Please bear with us as we slowly transition to a more earth and bunny friendly company.
One of our first product packaging changes was the tube for Gnat Away Solid Lotion Sticks. This product was originally available in a plastic twist tube. Those tubes have been replaced with a biodegradable option: paperboard push tubes!
Products that will be switching packaging during our transition include lotions, sugar scrubs, bar soaps and lip balms! We are testing packaging ideas and options, and plan on rolling out the more eco-friendly packaging slowly over the next year.
Do you have ideas for eco-friendly packaging? We would love to hear them in the comments below!