Tips for Using a Stretch Diffuser Bracelet
Recently, I posted this quick boomerang video on social media that shows someone rolling on one of our aromatherapy bracelets.
The response to the video was overwhelming, and I noticed on solid theme through all of the comments received on the post. Most of my followers were unaware of the propper way to put on a stretch bracelet!
Since Kilted Suds offers a fairly large line of aromatherapy bracelets, all of which are stretch bracelets, I thought this might be the perfect time to write a quick article on how to properly use one!
Putting on a Stretch Bracelet
We're probably all guilty, even I do it sometimes, but did you know that you aren't supposed to stretch a stretchy bracelet? Doing this actually wears out the elastic, and drastically shortens the lifespan of the piece of jewelry.
Instead, when putting on (or taking off) your bracelet, you are supposed to *roll* it over your fingers and palm, right onto your wrist. This will make your bracelet last much longer!
Avoid Soap & Water
Whenever possible, your stretch bracelet should be removed before exposure to soap, water, and harsh chemicals. We suggest removing your bracelet before taking a shower or bath, before swimming, and prior to doing any major cleaning. Normal hand washing should not be damaging to your bracelet.
Looking for a bracelet of your own? We've got a bunch to choose from!
Do you have any tips for using a stretch bracelet that we should know? Comment and share in the comment section below!