Ingredient Highlight - Matcha
This month we released our Matcha Mint Latte Bar Soap, which as the name suggests, contains matcha green tea powder. I chose to include this ingredient because it is a wonderful natural colorant, and because the tea has many skin-loving properties. Today I wanted to take a moment to tell you my top 3 favorite benefits of Matcha Green Tea!
Signs of Aging
Matcha is a very bright and beautiful green color. This color comes from the high content of chlorophyll found in the plant. Chlorophyll is a necessary component for the plant to complete the process of photosynthesis - the process when plants transform sunlight into their own form of energy. This chlorophyll is thought to have a wonderful effect on the skin as well, potentially protecting the skin from damage from the sun caused by free radicals. This can potentially help protect your skin from wrinkles and sun spots.
While matcha is certainly no wonder cure for acne, it does have properties that can aid in the skin conditions that cause those dreaded pimples. Matcha contains a compound called epigallocatechin-3-gallate or EGCG for short. This compound gives the tea some wonderful anti-bacterial and antibiotic properties that can aid acne prone skin. The compound can absorb into the skin and helps to fight over-production of sebum and bacteria that can cause acne.
Matcha also contains a fair amount of tannins - the same stuff found in wine! These tannins are thought to have the potential to shrink pore size while also reducing the production of acne causing oil and bacteria.
Inflamation & Complexion
EGCG also has anti-inflammatory properties. These can help reduce redness associated with conditions like acne and rosacea. It is thought to be able to reduce the inflammation and redness to help you feel your best. At the same time, matcha can be used as a gentle way to exfoliate the skin, eliminating dead skin cells that can dull even the most beautiful of complexions.
Go ahead, get your hands on some matcha. Drink it, use it as a face mask, use it in a soap!! Let us know if your skin sees improvement!