Our Green Mission - Adopt A Road
I have some more really exciting news for you all!! We've been continuing on with our green mission here at Kilted Suds. I am pleased to announce that after a few months of getting things together, Kilted Suds has officially adopted a 2.5 mile section of Route 739 in Pennsylvania.
This section of the road will be ours to clean and take care of. We take pride in our ability to give back to the local community, while at the same time ensuring that our local roads are just as clean as you are.
For those of you who live local to the Dingman's Ferry, Pennsylvania area, stay tuned for scheduled clean up dates for this section of road. We will be having group clean up at least 2 times per year, and you are all welcome to join us and help remove the litter from the sides of our road.
Don't live local and still wanna help? Take a few minutes or even an hour to clean up the side of a road near you. Be sure to take some photographs Before & After and tag us in your posts on social media so that we can see what difference you're making in your local community.