Plastic Free Period | Kilted Suds

Plastic Free Period

Recently, I was having a conversation with my aunt about single use plastics, the products we use, and the products we just cannot seem to find a replacement for. Our convo ranged from things like food storage to toothbrushes, and finally a topic that bugs the crap out of me: menstrual products.


This came up as a tangent of the topic of disposable diapers vs. cloth diapers, when I pointed out that disposable pads and panty liners are awful for not only your body, but also our planet. There are options out there, such as reusable pads and liners, and things like a menstrual cup.

But what about those of us who use tampons? This is me. I cannot stand pads, and cups just don't work for me, so tampons it is. This brings up many hurdles. Most tampons available in store are full of chemicals, and come equipped with plastic wrappers and plastic applicators.

Chemicals in tampons

Photo from Women's Voices

I have gotten my hands on some awesome tampons made from organic cotton, with no chemicals or fragrances ( I love OB Organic)... but the killer? They still come wrapped in plastic. In store, I have found tampons with cardboard applicators and paper wrappers, but these are the same still full of chemical crap.

So where do you go? What do you buy? Why is no one making a stink about this?

I am personally still on the hunt for a GOOD tampon made from COTTON, and wrapped in something other than plastic. 

Want to help make a difference? Sign the petition for a plastic free, organic tampon!

Sound off below. What products do you use and love? Are your period products plastic free? I want to know!

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